Monday, March 10, 2014

Let there be peace

India is going to the polls at a time when political violence has ebbed, with the most important victories against the Maoists

Let there be peace
Photo: Hindustan Times
India is going to the polls at a time when political violence has ebbed.
The most important victories have been against the Maoists. There was widespread fear before the 2009 Lok Sabha election that Naxalites could disrupt the democratic process in many parts of the country. Such fears are far more muted today. The previous election was also fought soon after the terrorist attack on Mumbai by Pakistani gunmen in November 2008. Troubled areas such as Kashmir and the Northeast have also seen declining political violence in recent years.
Is all this because of tough paramilitary action or effective diplomacy to rebuild confidence in several parts of the country or the delayed benefits of high economic growth? There is no straight answer. It should not be assumed that political violence will not flare up in the coming years (or in the next few weeks). But the trend is worth noting at a time when there is chaos in countries such as Venezuela, Thailand and Ukraine.

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