Sunday, July 13, 2014

Argentine&Chile city of peace

Argentine is well-known for soccer and abundant passion, and Chile is famous for grapes and coexistence of four seasons.

These two countries, located border to border, had been at strife with each other. Especially in 1899, there was a hair-trigger situation, due to the border dispute, However, what is the current state? These days they are on peaceful terms with each other.

How was it possible? The religious leaders of each country in those days, appealed for peace between the two countries. Love is the only way for the two countries to maintain peace. War and hatred just hand over to blood and massacre as a heritage to our descendents," The people of each country listened to their appeals. They melted the cannons to erect a bronze statue of Christ on the Andes Mountains, along the Argentina-Chile border.
The two countries still now have been maintaining peace for more than one hundred years.

Nowadays peace messenger Lee have also claimed not to hand over the wars to the descendents. Once such kinds of mind spread, peace will surely come on this land as soon as possible. Don't you think so?

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