Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Symbol of Peace:  Olive tree

 When you think of the symbol of peace, what comes to your mind first?  Dove?  Mark of peace?

 Today I am going to post about the symbol of peace, olive tree.  It is commonly used at home in the form of olive oil.  Have you ever heard that this tree is the symbol of peace?  Why did this olive tree become the symbol of peace?

In June 2014, Pope Francesco. Israeli President Peres and the head of Palestinian National Authority called Abbas, reportedly planted together the olive tree, symbol of peace, in one area of the garden of the Vatican.  How has the olive tree happened to mean the peace to each one of the three religions, Catholic, Judaism, and Islam?

 Olive is said to symbolize the peace, along with 'dove,' in Catholic and Judaism.  According to the biblical story of Noah’s Ark, Noah let loose a dove to find their dwelling place after the world was deluged by the flood.  It was an olive-branch that the dove brought in her bill.  It was a sign that there was a dry soil.  People say that Olive tree appears as many as seven times in the Qu'ran, the Islamic holy book.  In the Qu'ran, olive is reportedly described as 'the fruit to eat in the heaven,' along with fig.  It is written among the Qu'ran passages that even unlit olive oil shines clearly.  Islam suppose that's because olive is a holy tree.

  In addition to that, Olive has another meaning of 'victory.'  That's why the winner of the festival held in Olympia, in ancient Greece, was crowned with the olive leaf wreath.

  What can we notice from the fact that pope and world leaders planted olive all together?  Obviously we are all of one mind to end the wars and make the world of peace.  We really hope that we will be free from all kinds of wars, such as religious problems, territorial wars, and fights caused by resources.

We do want to see peace prevail and the whole world filled with peace!

1 comment:

  1. Even though I read bible many times but I didnt know the dove brought olive tree from land... kk..
